How Accounting Entries are made under Intra-State and Ter-State Purchases?

To explain this section, let us consider some basic business transactions as examples (all amounts are exclusive of GST).

Illustration 1: Intra-State Purchase

  • Mr. X purchased goods valued at Rs. 100,000 locally on 14th April 2023.
  • On 15th April 2023, he sold them for Rs. 150,000 in the same state.
  • An additional legal consultation fee of Rs. 5000 was also paid by him on 18th April 2023.
  • He purchased office furniture valued at Rs. 12000 on 28th April 2023.

The CGST and SGST charged 2.5% respectively, on the goods traded, 9% for legal consultation fees, and 14% for furniture.

How the entries for this scenario will look like under GST?

Date Particulars Debit (Amt in Rs) Credit (Amt in Rs)
14/4/23 Purchase A/c ………………Dr. 1,00,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 2,500  
  Input SGST A/c ………….…Dr. 2,500  
To Creditors A/c   1,05,000
  (Being purchase of goods to be traded, bearing GST of 5% in total)    
15/4/23 Debtors A/c ………………Dr. 1,57,500  
  To Sales A/c   1,50,000
  To Output CGST A/c   3,750
  To Output SGST A/c   3,750
  (Being sale of the goods to customers, bearing GST of 5% in total)    
18/4/23 Legal fees A/c ………..……Dr. 5,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 450  
  Input SGST A/c ……………Dr. 450  
  To Bank A/c   5,900
  (Being the payment of legal fees for consultation services obtained for consumer court cases)    
28/4/23 Furniture A/c ………..……Dr. 12,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 1,680  
  Input SGST A/c ……………Dr. 1,680  
To ABC Furniture Shop A/c   15,360
  (Being purchase of furniture for the shop from ABC Furniture Shop on credit scheme)    
  • Total Input CGST=2,500+450+1,680= Rs. 4,630
  • Total Input SGST=2,500+450+1,680= Rs. 4,630
  • Total output CGST=7,500
  • Total output SGST=7,500

Therefore, the net CGST payable is 7,500-4,630 = 2,870 and the net SGST payable is 7,500-4,630 = 2,870.

Data Particulars Debit (Amt in Rs) Credit (Amt in Rs)
19/5/23 Output CGST A/c ……………Dr. 7,500  
  Output SGST A/c ……………Dr. 7,500  
  To Input CGST A/c   4,630
  To Input SGST A/c   4,630
To Electronic Cash Ledger A/c   5,740
  (Being the payment of GST liability by utilizing the ITC for CGST and SGST for the tax period)    

Due to input tax credit, tax liability which was Rs. 15000was reduced to only Rs. 5740. Further, GST on legal fees can be utilized to set off against the GST payable on the goods sold, which was impossible in the previous tax system. For any surplus input tax credit, it will get carried forward to the next year.

Illustration 2: Inter-State

  • Mr. X purchased goods worth Rs. 150,000 from outside the state on 1st May 2023.
  • He sold the goods locally for Rs. 150,000 on 4th May 2023
  • He sold goods worth Rs. 100,000 outside the state on 12th May 2023
  • He paid a telephone bill for the month of April 2023 of Rs. 5000 on 14th May 2023
  • An air cooler of Rs. 12000 was purchased by him locally for his office on 25th May 2023.

The CGST and SGST are charged at 2.5% of goods traded, 9% on telephone bills, and 14% on air conditioners.

The entries will look like this:

Data Particulars Debit (Amt in Rs) Credit (Amt in Rs)
1/5/23 Purchase A/c ………………Dr. 1,50,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 7,500  
To Creditors A/c   1,57,500
  (Being purchase of goods to be traded, bearing GST of 5% in total)   1,16,000
4/5/23 Debtors A/c ………………Dr. 1,57,000  
  To Sales A/c   1,50,000
  To Output CGST A/c   3,750
To Output SGST A/c   3,750
  (Being sale of goods to be traded, bearing GST of 5% in total)    
12/5/23 Debtors A/c ………………Dr. 1,05,000  
  To Sales A/c.   1,00,000
To Output CGST A/c   5,000
  (Being sale of goods to be traded, bearing GST of 5% in total)    
14/5/23 Telephone Expenses A/c ..…Dr. 5,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 450  
  Input SGST A/c ……………Dr. 450  
To Bank A/c   5900
  (Being the payment of the telephone bill for April 2023)    
25/5/23 Office Equipment A/c.…..Dr 12,000  
  Input CGST A/c ……………Dr. 1,680  
  Input SGST A/c ……………Dr. 1,680  
  To Bank A/c   15,360
  (Being purchase of air cooler for the shop from the local store via online payment)    
  • Total CGST input =450+1,680=2,130
  • Total CGST output =3,750
  • Total SGST input =450+1,680=2,130
  • Total SGST output =3,750
  • Total IGST input =7,500
  • Total IGST output =5,000
Particulars CGST SGST IGST
Output liability 3,750> 3,750 5,000
Less: Input tax credit      
IGST 2,500 5,000
CGST 1,250
SGST 2,130
Amount payable NIL 1,620 NIL

The IGST credit will first be utilized to set off IGST and then CGST or SGST, in any order. So, from the total input IGST of Rs.7,500, firstly it will be completely set off against IGST. So, the setoff entries will be-

1 Setoff against CGST output    
  Output CGST ………………Dr. 3,750  
  To Input CGST A/c   1,250
To Input IGST A/c   2,500
  (Being offset of CGST liability for the tax period, using the credit of IGST and CGST)    
2 Setoff against IGST output    
  Output IGST ………………Dr. 5,000  
  To Input IGST A/c   5,000
  (Being offset of the tax credit of IGST towards the output IGST liability for the tax period)    
3 Setoff against SGST output    
  Output SGST ………………Dr. 3,750  
  To Input SGST A/c   2,130
  To Electronic cash ledger A/c   1,620
  (Being the balance liability of SGST for the tax period after the offset of the tax credit of SGST transferred to the electronic cash ledger of SGST)    
4 Final payment    
  Electronic cash ledger A/c. 1,620  
  To Bank A/c   1,620
  (Being payment of SGST for the tax period)    

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